GCC - How to set-up 3CX mobile app

GCC - How to set-up 3CX mobile app

This KB article is a guide on how to configure 3CX mobile app on his/her corporate device.


Information, troubleshooting

Prerequisite: QR code from 3CX
1. Remote into GCCHKPMM01> Launch Edge and go to
2. Credentials can be found in Devolutions.

3. Search and tap on the user's name.

4. Go to General Tab and from here you will find the QR code to provision the mobile app. You may get a screenshot and send it to the user's email address.

4. Now, ask the user to download the 3CX mobile app from Playstore or Appstore.

5. Once installed, tap on the burger icon on the upper left-hand side of the screen > Scan QR Code

Reference Ticket

3CX mobile app allows you to stay connected with your business communications on the go.

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