EFH Onsite Engineer Check - list (New joiner)

EFH Onsite Engineer Check - list (New joiner)

This KB article is to have a baseline process that can be followed by the On-site Engineer when they are setting up the machine for new joiner.

EFH / Equities first Holdings

Onsite, new joiner checklist

Link/URL of Microsoft Word version
Windows Update / Windows user Re-profile.  

If the PC is for re-use or re-assign to new joiner, we may need to format it or remove the files / user profile associated by the old user of the machine. 
1. Windows run (Windows key + R): sysdm.cpl 
2. Go to Advanced tab 
3. Under User Profiles > click Settings. 

4. Select the user profile of the old user. Click Delete 

5 Wait for it to finish. 
6. Run windows Update, go to settings 
7. Click Windows Update 
8. Click Check for Updates then download and install the updates.

Create Local Admin Account / Change Password 

1. Windows run (Windows key + R): lusrmgr.msc 
2. Click Users > right click > New User. 

*For this one there is a local admin account under DVLS>EFH

3. Input the username and password from DVLS: .\LocalAdmin

Hostname/Computer Name 
The machine hostname/PC should be shared to the on-site engineer, following the correct naming conventions. 
*Naming conventions of the machines are client dependent, so you need to double check. The example below is for EFH. 


W – Workstation 
HK – HK Site (Hong Kong) 
MMA – first 3 characters of the user’s NT ID 
Proceed to the next step if the machine will be deployed to the EFH-HK (Hong Kong) Office.  If the machine is deployed in EFH-Hongkong, we need to get the Mac address of the machine, it will be requested for whitelisting to the network. 

To do this:
      1. Open CMD 
      2. Type and enter: ipconfig /all 
      3. Scroll down and look for the result of Ethernet Adapter 

4. Get the corresponding result of Physical Address. . . . . xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xxx 

Join the PC to the EFH domain
      1. Windows run (Windows key + R): sysdm.cpl 
      2. Click change.            
      3. Double check the hostname / Computer name if correct while following the naming conventions from Step 3. 
      4. Under member of, click Domain then input the domain of the EFH: efh.equitiesfirst.com
      5. Click Ok, it will ask for the credentials, input the username and PW for AD admin and click okay then restart the machine.

1. To check the status of BitLocker Encryption, under search button, type and enter: BitLocker 

2. If it shows “BitLocker Off” means it is turned off or unencrypted. On means turned on. 
Note: There is also another way to check the BitLocker status via CMD 

1. Run CMD as admin, type and enter: manage-bde -status 
Wait for the result. 
BitLocker turned on = Protection On  
BitLocker turned off = Protection Off 
*The screenshot here shows Protection Off and is Fully Decrypted meaning BitLocker is turned off. 


1. Installation of printer. 
2. Download and install the drivers, depending on the model / brand, search it via google and make sure to get it from the manufacturer’s official website. 
3. Windows Run: Control 

4. Under control Panel > Set the view to Small Icons > look for devices and printers 
Reference Ticket

BitLocker is a drive encryption feature included with certain versions of Windows, such as Windows Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions. It helps protect your data by encrypting your entire drive, making it nearly impossible to access without the correct decryption key

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