1. Log in to VAM PMM1 in CW
2. Launch ADUC > VAM >HK > Users > Right Click on O365 > New > User
3. Fill out First Name and Last Name of the new joiner.
Log on name should be first.lastname format. Make sure that you select @vam365.net > Next
4. Create a password and select User must change password at next logon > Next > Finish
5. Launch PowerShell and type: start-adsyncsynccycle -PolicyType Delta in order for the new user to sync in Azure Portal.
6. Once the user is Sync in Azure Portal, make sure you add the new user in the group: GR: Teams Archive
If you are going to mirror SharePoint permissions of an existing user to the new user, make sure you do it in ADUC and NOT in Azure Portal.
If no license is available, follow the usual process of reaching out to AM via e-mail and copying Ben and CME.